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Facial Contour enhancement

Non Surgical technologies are revolutionary in their ability to enhance facial contour, volume​ and improve skin texture.
Whether it be genetics or a result of ageing, advanced non surgical techniques can give immediate results, correcting difficult contour obstacles.
As we age, our bones change shape, our fat pads shrink and drop, skin loosens, resulting in an "older" face shape. 
Medical Skin and  Laser's aim, is to give an overall, comprehensive long term plan to suit your expectations and requirements. We work the strategies around you, so you can still get the best out of life.
Areas commonly treated include:
  • Midface/cheeks
  • Hollow Temples
  • Tear troughs (under eye hollows)
  • Lips
  • Nasal bridge/tip
  • Eyebrow lift
  • Skin Wrinkles/scarring pits
  • Chin and Jaw definition
  • Nasolabial folds (deep lines between nostrils and corners of mouth)
  • Drooping corners of mouth
  • Marionette lines
  • Ear lobe reconstructions
  • Post stroke/paralysis revolumisation and balancing
Beauty in Natural Makeup_edited.jpg

MSL Volume Contour enhancement
Before and Afters

Individual Results will vary.
Complete consultation required prior to any treatment.
Dermal Filler Before and after botox
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Dermal filler



Complete Facial EVALUATION

Lip Filler Medical Skin and Laser Perfect lips Dr Lee Lee Do




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