Complete Non-Surgical
Enhancement Options

The more you look into it, the more confusing it all becomes.
"Where do I start?"
"Do these treatments actually do what they claim?"
"Will these treatments actually give me what I need?"
"Are these procedures safe?"
"Or are there other long term problems I could encounter?"
"Are these treatments right for me?"
"How much will it cost me? "
"Is it even worth it?"
Our team Medical Skin and Laser get it. Being a Doctor run clinic (where the Dr is actually present), an initial consultation is required to get you equipped, giving you the non-surgical and surgical landscape options.
What do we do?
We aim to learn;
About you
Your presenting/ underlying concerns
Your expectations
Your physical and mental health status (health assessment is conducted on the 1st consultation)
Skin Cancer status (check may be conducted by our Doctors)
Other Skin pathologies
Optimisation of Health pathologies to ensure longterm results.
Suitability for treatment options (we have LOTs of them)
Your time frame
Your budget

We give you;
Our attention, communication and expertise.
Information and consents on the options offered to discuss and take home.
Recommendations addressed towards your presenting concerns.
Discussion about risks, potential complications, and ways to help prevent those.
Preventative and longterm strategies.
A Complete Financial Consent, with a suggested timeline based on your work/ home/ holiday movements.
Time to go home, do research and ask more questions if required.
A practical plan moving forward to optimise outcomes.
Follow up and safeguarding.
Choosing YOUR team is important.
We take our job seriously.
What procedures and treatments are on offer at Medical Skin and Laser?
At Medical Skin and Laser, we have a huge array of the latest in technology to get you looking rested and refreshed, WITHOUT having to undergo surgery.
These include:
Skin Cancer checks, treatment and Prevention.
Surgical removal of any unwanted moles, cysts, spots, tags or warts.
Medical treatment of Skin pathologies (dermatitis/eczema/ psoriasis)
Skin tightening of the peri-orbital region, upper face and lower facial zones with radio-frequency, or radio-frequency with micro-needling.
Pore reduction technologies
High Intensity Micro and Macro -focussed Ultrasound to tighten skin and underlying lower face muscles.
Medical grade peels to improve tone, texture and pigment.
An array of Medical Class 4 Lasers for pigment, tattoos, rejuvenation , and vessels.
Permanent Laser Hair removal (Dark hairs only- not white hairs)
Vein removal- face, body, neck, chest, legs
Skin tone and texture approaches utilising technologies which are best suited to your skin type.
Signs of Photo-damage protocol.
Eyelid tightening techniques
Facial Volume enhancement
Bio-stimulants, Bio-remodellers - Where you make your own collagen
Wrinkle reduction technologies
Collagen remodelling synergistic therapies
Skin hydrators to combat crepey skin formation
Ablative Skin Technology (CO2 + Erbium Hybrid Laser, Fractionated Radiofrequency)
Stretch mark reduction protocol
Scar revision protocol
Nose (bulbous nose/ Rhinophyma) rehshape and maintenance.
Ear and Earlobe revolumisation and trauma/ Scar Correction.
Melasma / Mask of pregnancy reduction medical protocols
Radio-frequency Lipolysis (Fat cell death) of stubborn fatty pockets under chin, arms, abdomen, flanks, thighs, "bra fat".
The latest cosmeceutical skincare that works. This includes Vitamin A/ Retinols, Vit B Niacinamide, Vit C, Alpha and Beta Hyfroxy acids, tyrosinase inhibitors, Epidermal growth factors, Stem cells, Advanced Peptides.
Tailored Prescription compounded topical skincare.
Skilled Team of Doctors and nurses to administer and progress your treatment.
Regular follow up and safe guarding.
It's not about looking like you shouldn't.
It's about you getting complete education on the areas of your concern, so you can call your own shots,
with a team you can trust and communicate freely with.
TAILORED Programme only.
MSL Real Before and Afters
* Individual results will vary.

Mixed technology focussed of skin tightening and hydration. Reduction in wrinkles and volume enhancement. Preventative protocols followed to prolong results.
Immediate results- Same day.
3 months after mixed technology treatments to rebuild the natural contour of the face. Gentle wrinkle softening, careful volume enhancement, combined with collagen stimulation and tightening procedures.
1 month after only 1 RFMN treatment. This lady was delighted with her upper eyelid lift, improved skin texture, skin tightening. This treatment is recommended in a course of 3, one month apart for optimal outcomes.
2 weeks after Specialised (Doctor only) Medical chemical peel. Improved skin texture, pigmentation, tone, and skin tightening. This treatment is recommended in winter only.

Medical Skin and Laser are skilled at understanding the complications and over- corrections caused by Non-surgical technologies. From product migration, unwanted puffiness and swelling, our Doctors and nurses can help guide your journey moving forward.
"Your results are only as good as your preparation"

"You need to trust the person holding the tools"
We take the time to construct a plan that is INDIVIDUAL to you.
Your needs
Your expectations
Your timeline
Your budget.
What do I need to know as the patient?
Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) media updates regarding advertising cosmetic injectables have come into effect, and have changed the way we talk about these services on the website and social media.
These reforms aim to resolve inconsistencies in the language used around prescription medicines, and to ensure their use or supply isn’t being advertised or promoted. These medications carry higher risks and decisions regarding treatments should only be made by a health professional during personalised consults.
The following changes will be made on our social media and website:
We will no longer be using terms that reference treatments using prescription medicines, such as dermal filler or anti-wrinkle injections.
We will no longer list prices or the "per ml" or "per unit" amount of cosmetic injectables on our website.
We will:
Create educational content focusing on concerns.
Continue detailed and comprehensive consultations as the first step to address your concerns, providing full informative and financial consents, for the options which best suit you.
Although these changes have been inconvenient for many, Medical Skin and Laser support the safeguarding and regulations around ensuring public safety. Access to your prescribing Doctor, without treatment on the day, will help advocate better decision making and room to ask further questions if required.
As we have always said,
"We have time to get it right.
It's important to know where we all stand when working together to achieve the best outcomes we can."
To Find out more about the treatments you are interested in, please contact MSL via email
or phone (08) 6336 0120